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JoAq Hand Engraving...our Tradition

Updated: Dec 9, 2019

In doubt when choosing the engagement ring. You don't want this mistake~

Welcome to our blog. Take the​ time. We are here to share our fine tradition in making engagement​ rings. And no, "size is not everything for engagement rings".

In this post, we share one of JoAq's distinctive attribute - metal carving or hand engraving. This feature is a sure sign of our Genuine hand made engagement rings.

Metal carvings use hard steel to create reliefs and contours, forming one of a kind - three dimensional art on the precious metal. It takes time but the result and value received​ is truly worth it. Our engravers first draw light outlines of design on the ring. Then slowly carve out the metal to create relief in design. Finally we finish off with final bright metal cuts. This Tradition is very rare nowadays. Most modern goldsmiths artistic execution now coming from CAD, CNC or 3D printing. The ability to design patterns and hand carve directly on the rings is almost a lost art. We are not aware of any Fine Jewelry​ Brand that highlight this as their signature. It is a shame because about 100 years ago during the prime Art Deco era, hand carved was ubiquitous. Even with modern air-pump assisted technology for engravers to force smooth bright cuts in single traverse - Engagement rings with hand engravings​ are very rare​.

This is all Passion JoAq craftsmen put together to create stunning hand made jewelry Engagement rings. Our hearts pump blood forcefully as we share the excitement seeing the complete art work, knowing it will represent endless love and will pass on - we hope as heirloom.

The team in JoAq Brand go by one important word - "Genuity". Genuine from our materials (gemstones, diamonds, precious metals) to everything about the traditional jewelry making techniques. We don't resist the change in technology, but the physical result and spirit of the jewelry is way~ different. Visit our authorized shops and dealers, to hold one piece in your hands - "Only you will know the feeling of our Genuity, our Passion and our Tradition".

#Unique Engagement rings

Engagement rings, Wedding rings, Wedding bands. The popular keywords searched. What you expect and the market offerings are very different. Do yourself a favor and do her a favor. Show her the intricacy she deserves.

Be original, show off your style.
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